Book Review: Seeking Real Life Irish RomCom

Seeking Real Life Irish RomCom
by Katie Nelson

My rating: 2.5 / 5
Genre: Contemporary romance

Victoria is surprised to find her interest in Irish exchange student Michael returned, but Michael returns to Ireland as their relationship is getting started. When Victoria decides to visit Michael in Ireland, she finds out that their relationship isn’t quite rom-com material.

This short read is a clean romance with a brief tour of some notable sights of Ireland. The premise is interesting, if a bit outlandish, considering that Victoria travels all the way to Ireland for a man she doesn’t really know that well, and not because she wants to have a physical relationship with him (not that I’m saying she should have, but I have to admit I made assumptions that led me to be a bit lost early in her trip). I suppose the author does a decent job of crafting her personality to be the kind that would travel all the way to Ireland, hoping for a rom-com moment, but it’s definitely not a personality I can relate to. Characterization overall leaves a lot to be desired, especially on the male characters’ side of things. And the story is told almost exclusively from Victoria’s perspective, then suddenly changes to someone else’s well past halfway through the story, for a few short bits.

When I read a self-published book, it is my intention not to let things that a professional editor would help with affect my view too much. I’m not saying that there is no burden of responsibility here, but it’s harder for self-published authors. So while it did not affect my rating, I will at least mention that the grammar gets fairly bad as the book goes on. It can detract from the book for some, so let that be a warning. In the end, I wish I liked the book more, but I think it’s just a bit too quick and shallow for me. Perhaps I’m the wrong audience for a story like this anyway, since contemporary romance is pretty hit-or-miss with me. If you have any interest in the book, please still consider reading it for yourself.

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